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New and exclusive offers are sent to Boost members each month. Look for Boost Member Exclusive digital coupons for more savings.

Look for Boost Member Exclusive coupons each month after enrollment.

1. Enroll in Boost

Maximize your savings with a Boost Membership.

2. Clip Coupons

Once enrolled, clip the Boost Member Exclusive digital deals below.

3. Enjoy Member-only Savings

Redeem and save with Boost Member Exclusive savings.

Exclusive Boost Offers Loaded to Your Account

Once your free trial is complete, these savings will automatically be loaded to your Shopper’s Card/Digital Account. You can use them in-store, or with pickup or free delivery.* Start your free trial and save more.

Boost Terms & Conditions

* $35 order minimum. Restrictions apply. Subject to availability. Delivery time not guaranteed.

** $1 in spending = 1 Fuel Point + 1 bonus Fuel Point on qualifying purchases made in-store, curbside pickup and delivery. Gift cards, adult beverage, tobacco products, pharmacy prescriptions, Booth Service, Kroger Ship, The Little Clinic, Fred Meyer Direct, Fred Meyer Jewelry, Vitacost,,, Fuel purchases, or receipt message survey invitation are excluded from Boost Fuel Points benefits.

† Eligible for free grocery delivery on orders $35 or more and 2X points on grocery and general merchandise purchases in-store and online. Some offers may not be eligible during free trial. Point redemption offer for dollars off groceries not to exceed daily maximum redemption of 1,000 points per day or one purchase of fuel not to exceed 35 gallons, subject to credit and debit card fraud prevention limits on the amount of purchase and gallon limit less than 35 gallons by order of local officials in certain jurisdictions (typically during specific hours of operation when fuel dispensing equipment is unsupervised). Must provide payment information to activate free trial. Once free trial expires, your credit/debit card will be charged for an annual membership unless canceled prior to the end of the trial period. You can cancel any time before the end of the 30-day trial at Membership Management. If you decide to cancel, your current Boost benefits will be available until the end of your free trial period. Eligible for one free trial only per household.

3 Savings on Our Specialty Brands is a one-time offer only.